Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 9:34pm
Lagi-lagi, Tuhan dengan segala ciptaannya yang amazing, yang bisa membuat kita harus melompat keluar jauh dari akal & logika kita untuk memahaminya.
(So once again the almighty GOD with all those amazing creatures that created by GOD, who can mke us must jump out far away from our mind and logical in order to understand it)
Konon katanya lagi, Tuhan pun "memasukkan" sifat "adil" NYA kepada semua ciptaan yang ada di dalam kehidupan ini dengan mempunyai "pasangan", yang batasannya cuma setipis kulit ari.
(It is said again, God has "entered" the nature of "fair" to all of those creation in this life for having "partnership", with also have it's limit like as thin as epidermis too. )
Ada gelap ada terang, yang batasannya "cuma" sedetik dua detik.. ada cahaya ada bayangan, yang batasannya juga hanya beberapa pekatan warna.. ada sedih pun ada juga gembira, yang juga, batasannya sangat absurd dan blur, karena kita tidak bisa menebak kesejatian sedih & gembira tersebut. Apakah setengah sedih atau setengah gembira ataupun pura-pura bersedih & bergembira ??
(There is dark there is light, with a limit "only" for, maybe, a second or two seconds.. there is light there is shadow, which also it's limit of the color concentrates just a few.. Then There was sadness there is also joy, which also, the limit is absurd and blur, because we can't guess the genuineness of these sad & happy. Whether is half happy half sad or pretending to be sad & happy ??)
Sama seperti antara sebuah ALASAN dan PEMBELAAN DIRI. Beberapa orang menganggap pemberian alasan hanyalah simbol pelarian dari sebuah kebenaran dan pencarian "kambing hitam", sementara sebagian lagi melihat hal ini sebagai pembelaan dari sebuah keputusan yang diambil..
(Just like between a REASON and MAKING WORDS FOR DEFENDING OURSELF. Some people consider giving a reason is just a symbol of escape from a truth and the search for "scape goats", while others see this as a defense of a decision made..)
Lantas kalau itu disebut pencarian "kambing hitam" semata, mengapa pula selalu ada alasan dari setiap perbuatan.. entah itu baik ataupun buruk.. mengapa pula saat kita melihat oang baik (sekali lagi, batasan baik itu sangat absurd dan blur) selalu ditimpa kemalangan sementara orang yang jelas nyata sangat jahat -hmm.. apakah ini juga termasuk blur dan absurd ? - selalu diberikan kemudahan..
(So if that things was called only for searching of "a scapegoat", why there is always a reason of any act.. whether it be good or bad .. Also why when we see those good people (again, the border which is called "GOOD" is absurd and blur) is always overwritten temporary misfortune, while people who obviously is very bad real -hmm.. well, is this also includes blur and absurd also ? - Always be easy on their whole life..)
Hmm.. lagi-lagi hanya berputar-putar disekitaran garis tipis pembatas yak.
(Hmm.. for once again and again, we just only spinning around of this thin borderline)
Oke-oke..sekarang kita beranjak ke hal yang lebih jauh lagi.. Yaitu antara CINTA dan BENCI.
(OK!.. now we're moving far to the things even further ..Which is Called " between LOVE and HATE ".)
(So, What about the story of this two opposite? .. a tale from the pre-historic until now that will never run out for review. It was said also, the limits between LOVE and HATE just as thin as the epidermis.. even, can be thinner again!)
Agak bingung ya.. well, kira-kira seperti ini ilustrasinya:
(A little bit confuse huh.. well, this is the illustration)
cewek : akhirnya.. aku sudah lama menunggu, saatnya tiba juga..
(FEMALE: At last.. I've been waiting for too long.. the time has come..)
cowok : apakah kau rela jika aku pergi.. ?
(MALE: Will you dare to let me go away ?)
cewek : jelas tidak !! jangan pernah kau berfikir seperti itu !!
FEMALE: Of course not!! Don't even think about that!
cowok : apa kau menccintai aku ??
(MALE: Do you love me ?? )
cewek : tentu, selamanya akan tetap begitu.
FEMALE: Sure! forever it will be.
cowok : apakah kau pernah selingkuh ??
(MALE: Have you ever cheating me ??)
cewek : gak….!!!!!!! aku tak mungkin melakukan hal buruk itu.
(FEMALE: NO!! I would never do such a bad thing like that)
cowok : maukah kau menciumku ??
MALE: Would you like to kiss me ?? )
cewek : ya.
cowok : chayank.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(MALE: Ohh babe..!!!)
tapi, coba deh itu dibaca dari atas kebawah..
(How romntic isn't ?!.. owyeah, i must admit the last one was really "hyperbolic" :D )
(But, let see what will happen if you try to read it from down to up)
Yep!.. kira-kira seperti itulah ilustrasi batasan antara CINTA dan BENCI yang, sekali lagi, sangat absurd dan blur.
(YEP!. that's the rough illustration of the border between LOVE and HATE which is, once again, really absurd and Blur.)
don't take it as a something porn!.. it just one of those absurd and the blurness of many kind who happened on this world! oh well, just enjoy the show *Big Grins* :D |
(And, what is the meaning of these things called absurd and blur ? )
(Just like this text below : )
"A Husband sent this to his wife: Babe, I'm having a wonderful time !! I wish you were her."
See.. One spelling mistake surely can destroy your life! *evil laugh* >:)
Jadi pada akhirnya sampailah saya kepada pertanyaan pikiran polos saya sendiri..
(So in the end i arrive to my own question from my naked mind..)
Seberapa besarnya kah batasan yang setipis kulit ari itu berpengaruh kepada dua hal yang dibatasinya ??
Seberapa luasnya kah ke-absurd-an dan ke-blur-an yang ada di dalam batasan yang hanya setipis kulit ari itu.. ??
(How big is the boundary which as thin as epidermis affected to the two things who bounded with it ?
How wide is it's absurd & blur that exist of the inside within the limits which only just as thin as epidermis ?)
Well, terkadang di dalam hidup ini, ada sesuatu yang tidak bisa dijelaskan oleh logika dan un-logical theory (meminjam istilah dari seorang teman), dan khazanah pemikiran inipun harus membukakan lebar-lebar pandangannya seluas mungkin..
(Well, sometimes in this life, there is something that can not be explained by logic and un-logical theory (borrow a phrase from a friend), and the treasure this thought had to open it's eyes wide as widely as possible..)
(But, just like between Love and Hate which bounded as thin as epidermis, which sometimes even mixed together into something new that the has a limit even more thin.. maybe the answer will be something more absurd & more blur of it's boundaries as thin epidermis also)
Ahh iya.. pengertian memang tidak selalu memberikan alasan untuk dimengerti.. hmm apakah itu artinya sebagai pembenaran pribadi (termasuk saya sebagai penulis) ataukah sebagai alasan ?
(Owyeahh.. understanding doesn't always give reasons to understand.. hmm, does that mean as a personal justification (including me as a writer) or as an excuse ?? )
Well, apapun itu, kesemuanya adalah pembelajaran kehidupan. Dan cinta serta rasa benci kepadamu, wahai kekasihku, tetap akan selalu tersimpan rapi dihati ini selamanya.
(Well, whatever it is, take it as life learning. And love and this hate feeling to you, O my beloved, still will always be stored neatly on these hearts forever.)
I never be sad for what is over, or the mistakes i did and what i don't own. I just be glad it was once mine although is not forever.
PS: - So sorry for my bad English. Just tell me the mistakes if you feel i must correct something on this.
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